Krisi Colton
Kathleen Gibson
MaryBarbara Lovas
Tara O'Neill Barfoot Tara Damato
Maria Edwards
Krisi Colton,
B.A., Spanish, LeMoyne College, Syracuse, New York; International Diploma, Montessori Early Childhood Course (3-6), Montessori Centre International, 25 years of Montessori teaching experience,
19 years as director of MDS.
Kathleen Gibson,
Teacher/Science Coordinator
B.A., English Literature/History, Denison University, Granville, Ohio; M.S., Student Affairs Administration, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana; Montessori Teaching Diploma (3-6), North American Montessori Center, 19 years of Montessori teaching experience at MDS.
MaryBarbara Lovas,
Teaching Assistant
B.S., Elementary Education, Buffalo State College; Buffalo, NY;
5 years at MDS.
Tara O'Neill Barfoot,
Music Teacher Kindergarten-1st Grade Art Teacher
B.S., Elementary Education, English and Special Education focus, University
of Delaware, Newark DE; Montessori Elementary Teaching Diploma(6-9), Montessori Education Center of the Rockies, Boulder, Colorado; 16 years of Montessori teaching experience, 11 years at MDS.
Tara Damato,
Classroom Assistant
B.A., Psychology, Albany, New York; M.A.Childhood Education, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York; 5 years early childhood teaching experience, New York and Connecticut. 3 years at MDS.
Maria Edwards,
Admissions & Administrative Coordinator
B.A., Accounting, Nazareth College, Rochester, New York: 19 years at MDS.
James Luttinger,
Physical Education Instructor
B.S., Mathematics at SUNY Brockport. Graduate of the Secondary Teaching Certification Program. Physical Education Instructor at MDS for 19 years.